Aloysius van der Merwe Turns his First Girl Page 2
He ran towards his Corolla, opened the door, put Belinda inside, locked the doors, and ran back to the house. He went to th side entrance which was still being guarded by two Lesius. They turned as he came through the door and he released two rapid kicks to their mid-sections. One blocked; the other fell. The second one extended his claws and Aloysius made sure to avoid them. He only kicked, relieved that he had such long legs. He saw some of the partying kids lying on the floor, and others tramping on them, frantic to get to the doors. He tried to draw away the Lesius from guarding the door, but it was obvious that the only way that was going to happen was if the Lesius was dead.
He heard Jackius yell but didn’t hear what he said. Then he felt a movement behind him and out of the corner of his eye, he saw another claw come towards him. Aloysius ducked low and lunged for the alien’s legs. The alien toppled, and Aloysius was up, looking to see if his parents’ were okay. They were, and they were running for the side door. As they reached the remaining Lesius guarding the door, both of them smashed fists into his body. The Lesius crumpled. His parents ran through the door. Aloysius ran after them. He hoped that most of the humans would get home that night. but he knew some of them wouldn’t.
Belinda lay on the settee. It was apparent to all three of them that she was dying. “You need to turn her,” said his mother.
“I was going to, but not quite like this. I wanted it to come with the blood lust.”
“Don’t be so romantic,” said his father. “You need to turn her now before she is much weaker.”
Aloysius felt embarrassed in front of his parents. He suddenly had a strong urge for carrot juice but then put the urge where it belonged – in the shameful-thought section of his mind. He leaned towards Belinda, fanged his canine teeth, and bit into her neck.
Softly, gently, he began the interweaving of their blood. He released the ancient strangeness of his own blood into hers. He suckled like a young babe on his mother’s tit, feeling the soft flesh of her neck and inserting his tongue into her jugular. He secreted some more of his own blood into her jugular, and then took some of hers into him. Despite the situation, he felt elevated in a way that he had not done before. “Careful, careful,” he murmured to himself. “If you do this wrong, you will have a dead girl, not a turned girl.”
He lay beside her for some hours, suckling her soft neck, blending his blood with hers, growing in affection towards her, and understanding why turning someone was such an intimate act. At some point, he was vaguely aware of his parents tightening the light guards so that daylight wouldn’t penetrate into the home, and somewhere just before daylight, he stopped suckling and fell into a deep sleep.
The following night, he awoke early. Belinda was already awake. She gazed at him. “You must have turned me,” she said, “because I feel very different, and last night I thought I was dying.”
“I did,” he said, a little bit of trepidation creeping in, uncertain of whether she would have preferred to die rather than live for eternity on the blood of others.
“It’s not what I had in mind for the rest of my life, but I think I fell in love with you the night before last.”
“And I with you,” he whispered. And if it wasn’t quite night outside, suddenly it dawned on him that hunting with a partner might be a very different experience to dining on carrot juice on his own. “We’re going to be good together,” he said seriously. Then he smiled. “Are you ready to go on your first hunt?” he asked. And she smiled back at him.
The author would like to know if you would like to have more written books written with these characters, and if you would like to see the story continued… Please email her at Alternatively, leave a review. Thank you.
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Aloysius van der Merwe Turns his First Girl